Welcome to Nursery!
Your learning journey at EFPS starts here, year Nursery where the children have fun learning through play! The term begins with transitional links from home working together in partnership with parents/carers. We will be observing how your child learns and develops with their journey throughout each term. Your child will be learning in a safe and stimulating environment indoors and out.
Our Nursery is a very important part of our school-it provides the foundations for a fantastic journey throughout the school.
Our Subject Leaders work to ensure that the curriculum develops learners ready for statutory school age. Our Nursery is grounded in the school values of 'Ambition, Community & Equality'. They take part in all of our celebrations in school.
Nursery staff work effectively through leading sessions directly and through high-quality interactions with children during planned and child initiated play activities. Adult led sessions develop children's communication skills modelling language,showing,explaining,demonstrating,questioning,encouraging,facilitating and stimulating children throughout the day.
Why Choose Elms Farm Nursery?
Our Nursery staff are committed to our school values of 'Ambition, Community & Equality'. We develop children to be independent, inquisitive learners. Our progress measures show that children who start their school life at Elms Farm and attend throughout their school years achieve highly.
Vocabulary development and opportunities to develop Oracy skills are important in Nursery. We follow the 'Early Excellence' approach which promotes the development of childrens' independence and curiosity through the environment
Our parents say that our school is much more than that-it is like a family.
How it is the curriculum structured?
Characteristics of Effective Learning encompasses how your child learns in EYFS. Practitioners will observe how your child learns through play and their preferred learning style.
- Playing and Exploring
- Active Learning
- Creating and Thinking Critically
The EYFS curriculum is organised into seven areas of learning and development;
3 Prime Areas:
- Personal, social and emotional development
- Communication, and language
- Physical development
4 specific areas:
- Mathematics
- Literacy
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
Click the link below to view our curriculum overview.
Take a look around our classroom.
Our classroom has been newly painted and designed to create a calm and secure learning environment for our children. Our classroom is set out with lots of different areas which help to promote independence, social skills and speech and language, as well as developing the children's fine and gross motor skills through creative and imaginative activities.
Little Wandle Phonics in Nursery Support your child with Nursery Rhymes
Little Wandle Phonics in Nursery Nursery Rhyme Videos to play at home
The Numtums Join in with the Numtums and learn about numbers from 1 to 10.
Here are some useful websites to support parents/carers whilst their child are at home:
- www.Lettersandsounds phase 1,2,3,4,5 games daily phonic lessons are now on line - have fun!
- www.topmarks
Most of the Nursery children will have accessed these websites in school as part of their learning journey. There is also lots of ideas and suggestions to support home learning on our Class Do Jo's .
Take a look at what we will be doing in Nursery.