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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

The Year 3 Team is as follows :

Mr Shephard (Class Teacher of Hawking Class)

Miss Spence (Class Teacher of Newton Class)

Miss Bowden (Learning Support Assistant between both Year 3 classes)

Mrs Davies (English Lead)

Here at Elms Farm, our classes are named after famous figures that the children will learn about. 

Hawking - Named after Stephen Hawking, a scientist known for his work on black holes. 

Newton - Named after Isaac Newton, a scientist and mathematician known for discovering gravity.

Message from the Staff

Year 3 is a hugely important year as it is the first year in juniors. It is an opportunity for the children to grow in independence and flourish within an exciting, stimulating, safe environment.  We have high expectations for our children, ensuring that we wear correct uniform (including P.E. kit), and that we are arriving each day ready to achieve.

We have a focus on Reading and expect all children to read at home daily. This supports their spelling, vocabulary and writing. 

In English, we learn a model text and use the features of this to innovate our own version, before moving to inventing our own writing, whether story-based fiction, or non-fiction. 

We use a 'Mastery Maths' approach to our Maths lessons, allowing children to have a deeper understanding of maths. Children are expected to practise times tables daily through Times Table Rockstars. 

Throughout the year, we study the following five topics. Our learning in Geography, History, Art, D.T is covered through this.

Autumn 1- How do I use a map?

Autumn 2- How do natural disasters affect the world?

Spring 1 & 2-  Stone Age to Iron Age: How did Britain change?

Summer 1- Why is Greece popular?

Summer 2-  What did the Ancient Greeks do for us?

Useful Links

  • BBC Bitesize Have fun playing our bitesize games for KS2.

Attached Documents

Please find below our Learning Plan, where you can see the subjects that your child will be learning about throughout each term.